Faith & Geekery is a hobby and growing community that gathers around a weekly stream and podcast to explore hobbies and interests then reflecting on our they impact, inspire or give us space with our faith. A number of our community work directly with, or have connects to the Methodist Church of Great Britain (which is by no means limited to Great Britain, but to the British Isles and any English speaking community). The Methodist Church of Great Britain is who we align ourselves with both in policies, theological principles and GDPR and safeguarding. Because of the nature of social media, online communities and discord we endeavour to remain professional, inclusive and therefore we will strive to respect our community and not take advantage of these relationships, their information and privacy.
In regards to broadcasting and streaming information, those appearing on screen will either be directly invited and given a link, or their information, video, audio and text will be shared via directly commenting on the live feed on Twitch, Youtube or Facebook (as per the abilities in Streamyard) as well as posting within our discord community (such as the Geeky Gallery or Questions & Answers which clearly state their usage).
For policies that apply to the Methodist Church click here:
For those who want to report a concern then please either contact one of the Faith & Geekery core team, or Revd Mark Stennett ( or the connexional safeguarding team
Third party social media and platforms:
We shall assume that those who we interact with on social media platforms are of the minimal age and we will not contact them directly (unless it is part of an official competition, which has been arranged through the core Faith & Geekery team).
(UK based) helpful contact details:
National Domestic Abuse Hotline 0808 2000 247
Childline 0800 1111
The Samaritans 116 123 or email