Sat at a computer in the year 2000, I decided that my email handle needed to be something unique. 23 years later still using it. is the home for my creative projects, ideas and signpost to videos etc.
Alongside my online stuff I’m also a church minister for the Methodist Church of Great Britain and a digital church enabler for the Yorkshire West District.
I am a bit of a geek, loving all things Doctor Who related, Lego and being all-round creative. whether it’s dabbling with lino-cutting, editing videos or exploring Augmented Reality, I’m a big fan of being and doing. I’ve recently got into DND podcasts and I like to run whenever I can.
Beyond Hobbies and Faith, I’m married to Becki and have children.
I am a Christian who works for the Methodist Church as a Methodist Presbyter (Minister/Reverend).
I don’t really do labels but I believe God’s love is for all and choose love over hate, stand up against injustice. Big fan of Jesus, sometimes embarrassed by the church, but still love ‘um.
I am quite creative whether with physical mediums or digital I like to reflect and play around with technology and I really just enjoy creative solutions. Some of my latest projects consist of Augmented Reality through the use of QR codes that enable users to interact with stories and characters (and on one occasion a choir!).
“Taller in real life”
A colleague
“A creative”