An Introduction:
We are a digital community that share a common interest of being geeks whether through hobbies, interests or delving into worlds in books movies or even board games. Those who lead this community are also Christian, but this isn’t in a judgey kinda way- but rather in an open and welcoming way, we simply start with delving into our geeky interests or invite someone to share about theirs, then delve a little deeper to glean some greater meaning.
We regularly have a stream on Tuesdays 8pm U.K. time, dropping it as a podcast immediately after and we also chat over on our discord server too.
We try to stream weekly on Facebook, Youtube and on Twitch, but the main audience is on Facebook and of course in-between episodes you can find us on our discord server.
We’re aware that not everyone has the opportunity to sit down and watch our stream and so for those on the go, or simply prefer not to watch us then we’ve also released it as a podcast on all the usual podcast locations.
Faith&Geekery Community
This isn’t just about watching a weekly stream but is an opportunity to be part of the Faith & Geekery community on Discord:
This is as much for ourselves as for anyone else but our usual episode consists of:
Welcome: an opportunity to connect and see how we’re doing.
Geeky news: catch up on what’s been going on.
Introducing the guest/guests
Quiz (or other feature): exploring the wider world of geekiness and what we understand to be geeky.
Interest of geekiness: we delve into the subject of the week
Geeks Gallery: the sharing of stuff from our discord community
Wrapping up: to include an invitation to our discord community.
Above all we hope you feel welcome, and when joining the community please respect others too 😉 .